Friday, November 19, 2010


This is my collage. I replicated Virginie Transon. Mine looks like hers because she uses a lot of bright colors, like I did here. Also, I put a domestic animal in the centre just like hers. Both collages have many random objects within them, with two central colours. Both also have a background made up of strips of different coloured backgrounds.

Glowing Lights

I used the pen tool to create two radial designs and a comet. I had to create rays for the comet, and had to use the pen tool to make the ovals to turn in the radial design.


Typography is when you use letters to create an image. Here, I used O's for the head, body, eyes, and bellybutton. I used D's for the feet. I used H's for the legs, an S for the hair, and a squiggle line for the arms. I created a robot.(: