Monday, December 6, 2010

David Hockney

David Hockney is and artist and photographer who takes many polaroids of one subject, then adds them all together to create the picture again. We did the same thing, only digitally. We used a picture we had already taken, I used baby Elliot again, then copy and cut each picture, then rotated them. You end up with the same result!

Portrait Photography

These pictures are mostly of Elliot, the baby. I changed the top photo of Elliot and his mom into black and white, then increased the Contrast and decreased the Saturation. I cross-processed the second one, then the last two I added an ink-sketch look to them.

Downtown Mall

My class went on the Downtown Mall and took pictures. We then transformed them into objects in the game Where's Waldo. I changed 1-3 things in each photograph, like maybe a line in the brick is changed. Can you find the differences?

Photo Aging

For this picture, I used a picture I took of an old car. I added a Sepia filter, and increased the Grain, and increased the Noise. I used two brushes: the rip brush, and the coffee stains. I also tilted the actual picture to show that back in the old days, they weren't always straight.

Warm and Cool Hands

These Warm, Cool, and Emerald tints have added yellow, blue, and green tints to my pictures.